Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Reflections on Drakes 'Shot For Me' - A note to the ladies

This song is deep! It makes me think about all the ladies out there who change just for the man. Instead of being real to themselves, they walk, talk and comb their hair just for the man. They forget their true inner beauty. Always trying to please the man, thinking they will win his heart when in actual fact the man don't even notice. And when he does notice, it's for their physical appearance. Hey ladies, there are still some good men (myself included,lol) out there though. Just don't show your skins too early; give a man something to dream about. If you're the insecure type, a man will make you and own you. And that's not what you want, unless you're a 'D'. To all my 'A' ladies out there, keep your heads up and "may your neighbors respect you, trouble neglect you, angels protect you and Heaven accept you." Take a shot for me when I die.

- Amulay Sirch 

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