Saturday, February 4, 2012

David Choe's Painting of Barack Obama

This painting hangs in the White House
     I have never really been a big fan of art in the form of paintings, sculptures and the like. I mean who cares about the symbolism and metaphorical meaning of a painting or sculpture? It all seem like a bunch o' bull. On the other hand, I do enjoy and appreciate beautiful things and I must admit that this painting of President Obama by David Choe is among the most beautiful things art can produce. In college, we always kind of make fun of art majors. We think of them as boring people with monotonous dreams. This however, is not true as evidenced by David Choe. According to the #BBC website, Choe is the "highest paid decorator alive." [BBC link

     When I read this article, I couldn't help but acknowledge the fact that in everything you do, if you do it well, you will get your fair share. It does not matter whether you're an engineer, a physicist, a painter or a sculptor. "David Choe, who first spray-painted the walls of Facebook HQ in 2005, accepted shares in payment for his work. Now Facebook is planning to float on the stock market and it's thought his share could be worth around $200m (£126m)." 

     This, therefore, is to all my art majors out there. Keep doing what you do and keep inspiring all the knuckleheads. When you see a painting such as Choe's Obama or Giant's Hope painting of Obama, you just have to admire the intricacies and the color of the paintings. Only after you appreciate the phenotype will you genuinely understand the genotype of the paintings. Peace!

- Amulay Sirch


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